Friday, 28 June 2019

Is Black Clover a good anime?

Black Clover: The SHONEN ANIME

"Black Clover is actually good" this sentence has been said by many Anime fans who only recently started watching Black Clover. But what actually made Black Clover gain such a notoriously bad reputation in the first place ? That's what I'm going to try and analyse in today's post.

First, let's talk about Black Clover's bad reputation. This show gained such a bad rep because of how many shonen troupes the show is actually filled with. The show doesn't shy away from its genre but fully embraces it and runs with it. From the underdog protagonist who through hard work and plot armour can basically defeat any goddamn opponent, to the comedic and simple plot of the story. Along the way, the show also borrows many aspects of other famous shonen shows, such as the importance of friends and bonds from shows like One Piece, the ambition of the MC (main character) to be the Wizzard King just like Naruto... Any person faced with these facts would automatically judge Black Clover as another Shonen Copy cat ( I'm looking at you Fairy Tail). However, many of those who watched the show actually had a change of heart. The reason for these people to change their mind is actually those very same Shonen Troupes the show made use of. I believe that Black Clover actually manages to utilize those Shonen troupes to their best extent, the show thanks to these troupes is never stale, always engaging, rarely does an episode of Black Clover make me bored. The MC's character is quite relatable because of it's simplicity and it's obvious main theme.
In the end, Black is a good SHONEN anime, so everyone should respect for what it is. Do I think it's a masterpiece? No because It does feel lacking in certain aspects. Am I going to keep watching? Hell yes because It's such a fantastic show that every Shonen fan need to watch.

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